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Moving tips

Our working method in 6 steps

When you move, a good preparation is half the battle.

In collaboration with Oomen Movers, we have listed a number of important relocation tips.

By following these tips you will experience less stress during your move.

For questions about your move, please contact Living Today or Oomen Movers directly.

Start planning on time

To ensure that the move runs smoothly and efficiently, you start with a clear planning. Make an overview of important items and items that are fragile, for example. This is also the perfect time to go through your stuff and declutter!

Find suitable moving boxes

Of course you want your belongings to arrive to your new home in one piece. Therefore, choose sturdy moving boxes of good quality. Good moving boxes are easy to stack and will not tear.

Don't make moving boxes too heavy

Moving boxes have a maximum weight limit of 15 kg. This weight is easy to carry and it prevent them from tearing. Move books in special book boxes. The advantage of book boxes is that they are less high, so you put less stress on the box, but there is also no empty space.

Name or number the rooms in the new house

Give all rooms in your new home a name or number, this way you maintain an overview when furnishing your new home. Write down the name or number you assign to the room on the moving box. This makes it easy for you or the movers to place the boxes directly in the right room.


Relocation is often seen as a time-consuming, stressful and physically demanding undertaking. This often involves a lot that you may not have thought of in advance. When you are moving, it is important to determine for yourself whether you want to do everything yourself or whether you want to outsource something. Are you going to rent a van or trailer? Or do you opt for a customized relocation service from a recognized moving company such as Oomen Movers.

Request a free quotion.

Arrange storage for your house hold effects

Sometimes it happens that you cannot go straight from the old house to the new one. In this case, it is important that you can safely store your belongings in the mean time. At Oomen Movers you can quickly and easily arrange a storage box. They place the storage box in front of your door where you can load it at your own pace. After loading, the storage box is sealed, collected and stored in a secure environment.

Apply for a parking exemption

To ensure that your move runs smoothly, it is confenient if you can park in front of both houses. If a parking permit or temporary traffic measure is required for this, this must be requested from the municipality in good time. If a moving lift is required, there must be sufficient space for this.

Keep important things separate

You do not want to have to search for keys, important documents, toiletries or medication during the move.

We also recommend keeping passports and the papers of your vehicle(s) separate.

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